Effective Cosmetic Veneers in Downtown Jeffersonville
Veneers are tooth-shaped porcelain pieces that are prepared in the dental laboratory. They are placed on the front surface of teeth to restore your smile. They are fabricated to fit perfectly and will improve your smile's natural appearance.
Veneers are durable and can remain intact for more than a decade. However, their life span is dependent on proper care. Veneers are a permanent investment that can help you achieve that smile you have always wanted.
Dental veneers can be used to fix:
- Spaces between teeth
- Chipped or broken teeth
- Unusually shaped teeth
- Uneven coloring or severe discoloration
- Small teeth
Two appointments are needed to complete the veneers process. An impression is taken on your first visit after your teeth are prepared for the final restoration. You will also get a chance to choose a shade that you love.
On your second appointment, we will clean the targeted teeth and place bonding cement between the veneer and tooth. Hardening of the veneers is done using a special light beam. The whole procedure is relatively quick and can have a dramatic improvement in your appearance.